Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We're on the road again...

Day 2:  We left Pine Mountain about 10am and headed up US 431 to LaGrange, then through Anniston, Gadsden and finally landed in Decatur, AL.  The cats were a little better today, but not much.  It was pretty much the same as yesterday, up a hill and down a hill, up a bigger hill and down.  A couple of interesting notes....
  • To anyone who might be interested in following our Great Escape (and I know everyone is), when you're driving north on US 431 towing a trailer, don't plan on finding a gas station that's convenient.  They're all on the wrong side of the road and when one is on the correct (right) side it had a drive that went straight to the top of the mountain.
  • The tornado damage is absolutely devastating, it was unbelievable to see it first hand
  • We watched a squirrel cheat death by pick-up about 5 ways to had to be there
  • We're driving along lookin' at the sights when a police car drives right at us in OUR LANE with his lights on (not sure he realized how hard it is to stop a truck and trailer traveling 55 mph down hill).  He motioned for us to pull off the road into a parking lot of a defunct lumber store with the aforementioned driveway to "heaven".  Being the law abiding citizens that we are, we obliged as did the other dozen or so cars and trucks.  Now we're all circled round in the lot wondering what the accident most likely.  So we waited and then a truck and another and then....  
an entire house...

and the "man cave"

  The traffic behind it was backed up for miles.  

There have been several things both Dan and I have been great full for on this trip...that we were going in the other direction from where the house was going and that both Georgia and Alabama saw fit to repave the roads we were traveling on.

Stayed tuned for day 3!