Friday, May 20, 2011

Poplar Bluff, MO to Kingdom City, MO---May 18th

I didn't realize it would be so hard to keep up with this blog.  Being in the woods and mountains together equals very poor Internet connections and when we do get one it is sooo sloooow.  Our trip to Kingdom City was pretty much wrong turns from the navigator (thank you little bouncing ball).  I feel certain that I won't have to worry about cleaning up cat hair when we get home because it'll all be on me or in the truck!  I'm also going to add "Cat Wrangler" after my name...they're getting more adept at trying to escape when we get in and out of the truck.  I'm sure the people in parking lots must think we're a little looney, one of us on one side of the truck tapping on the windows to get their attention while the other opens the door and jumps in hoping to get their butt in the seat before the door slams shut.  I'm sure it's a site.

Whoda thunk that anyone would see a gas station selling gas for $3.64 per gallon and say "boy, that sure is cheap gas"!  Hope it doesn't get much worse.  A couple of interesting things we saw along the way...on one of the rural roads and I mean rural we come around a big bend to see an honest to goodness Drive-In theater.  It was still operating and showing first run movies..Fast Five.  There was a playground and snack bar and everything.  Brings back memories from my youth.  We would get dressed in our pajamas, jump in the back of the '57 Chevy wagon with the air mattress in the way back, just in case we should fall asleep, which I'm sure we always did.  I never remember seeing the movie, just playing in the playground and eating popcorn.

While in Kingdom City, well southwest of the actual city, we stayed at Hanson Hills RV Park, pictured below.  It was a nice little park with a few full time residents and us.  Off the beaten path to be sure nestled in the woods.  The park needed some work, but could be a super destination if the work got done.

Dan even put out the awning to keep us dry during the rain

The view from my "front door"
Hopefully the rain will go away for our next Albia, IA.