Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leaving Clarksville, TN---May 16th

It's Monday, May 16th and we're leaving our home for the last 4 nights.  Our time in Clarksville was enjoyable and I'll devote an entire post to the reunion as soon as I get Dan to send me the pictures.  In an effort to take a break from all that has been happening with WAR, Inc and the fact that we're going on a "vacation" Dan decided not to bring his computer.  He did however ask me to get him an iPhone so he could occasionally check in with the WAR gang.  Well, he has yet to put it down and I mean that literally, good thing I got the unlimited data plan or we'd be stranded in Poplar Bluff having spent all our money on data download so he could "occasionally" check in....  Any way, I'm glad he's havin' fun, since he's doing all the driving.

OK, back to Monday and leaving Clarksville.  As expected the cats were a tad stressed that we put them back in that nasty ole truck and they were not "one" with the universe.  For that matter neither was the truck...it choked and sputtered as we climbed the first hill over the interstate..."what the hey, thought I was done pullin' this stupid trailer...the last 3 days have been sooooo nice!"  The only thing everyone liked was the 48 degree weather.  We were hoping to get to Poplar Bluff, MO (that's Missouri).  We tried in vain to locate information about whether or not the bridge across the Mississippi at Dyersburg was open or closed due to all the flooding, but nothing was concrete. We though what the heck lets give it a shot, the worst that could happen is that everything would be flooded and we'd have to go south to Memphis.  That's something neither one of us wanted...we did it in 2006 and were not impressed and the thought of doing it towing the beast was really depressing.  So we all put on our happy face and headed west through the rain and gray skies.  As we neared Dyersburg the sun began to shine and we didn't see signs saying "turn around, don't drown" so onward we went.  Here's what we saw...

flooding right up to the road
another view

a pretty good whirlpool tossing someone's cabinet

We did get across the mighty Mississip and here's the proof

from water...

and from land

Once in Missouri the terrain changes dramatically.....

and boy did the truck like that.  It was so happy to be on flat ground once again it actually started to reward us by getting more than 9 miles to the gallon and jumped to a whopping 10.3...halleluiah.  Means we can stop for more coffee to keep the driver from nodding off.

see the eyes starting to droop....not good

even Charlie, his cohort in crime was a little sleepy

Well, we made it to Poplar Bluff, a sleepy little town of 16,600 that swells to 60,000 on any given day because they're the only town within 60 miles that has any SHOPPING!  or restaurants (do you hear my voice rising in astonishment).   I think everyone of those 60,000 people were on the road as we made our 20 minute trek through town.  Fortunately we found the campground without a problem and got nestled in among the trees, still relishing the nice cool, dry weather.  Actually it was cool enough to turn on the heater, least our tender Florida toes freeze off.  Decided to stay a second day to see parts of the Mark Twain Nation Forest and get some much need exercise.  Unfortunately the parks were open but the trails were closed due to FLOODING.  So here I am updating this blog while Dan and the cats nap.  I'm gonna make him take me out to dinner....the gourmet kitchen has had a work out the last few days.
you remember the gourmet kitchen right...
We leave tomorrow for Kingdom City, MO...wish us luck!